Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 29 of 70
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claudio castellano (italy), stefania bandiera (italy), valerio bandiera (italy)
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The complex represents a energy , biocliamtic and indipendent system able to guarantee economic development and enviromental quality. Sustainability is followed by functional and technoligical choices such as the choice of materials, recycling and the collocation of the spaces considerating the natural light, reusing rainwater, the use of artificial lake such as a tank for water requirements, energy production with photovoltaic installation and the use of sun warmth to reduce consumtions.The energy made by photovoltaic installation will feed: the building heating, electrical system, water system necessary to adjoining activities.The rest part or energy will be give up to GSE. The considered system is Conto Energia, valid for grid connected systems expected in the project.
The intervention inserts itself to an hypothesis of a more complex net able to involve the RO-SA board and retrain the region with appropriate cruxes that will represent the new important urban centres.