Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 30 of 70
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calvin chua (united kingdom)
City of Cores: Social Ambition
With the shifting of high-speed rail to Tirburtina, the project aims to reclaim the future disused site of Termini. Built above disused railway tracks of the station, the project consist of a series of 3m wide service core (width of the track) which contains the staircase, a pair of walls that contain all the necessary cables and openings, calibrated to allow optimal light and ventilation to the spaces.

Slits on the concrete wall provide placement for wooden floor beams allowing flexible organization of space and program, and evolve over time according to users’ needs and market forces. It will be a social condenser that allows inhabitants to share and exchange ideas socially, and retreat into personal spaces.

Like the aqueducts in Rome, these service walls which will be government funded provide basic services for the inhabitants, while the flexible internal spaces will be left to market forces and negotiation. It will house transient workers in Rome, from creative to immigrants.