Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 30 of 70
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calvin chua (united kingdom)
City of Cores: Politic Ecology
This project resists current trends of artificially creating natural environments and measuring sustainability through abstract ratings. Sustainability here is simply made up of concrete wall openings, revealing the ephemeral qualities of light and air to inhabitants and allowing them to self-determine how they want to live.

The railway lines will be used to transport prefabricated concrete walls from factories to site. The walls are built in sections and joint together on site progressively.

The settlement is a dense but porous interior that maintains a constant temperature throughout the year. The size of openings and thickness of the wall have been calculated to allow the interior to be optimally ventilated through stack effect during the hot summer and thermally insulated during the cool winter. Energy is produced and consumed internally. The settlement manages and sustains our lives, supporting groups of diverse communities in an environment that evolves over time.