Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 28 of 70
alessandro di prisco
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alessandro di prisco (italy)
alessandro di prisco
Smart gridshell
The project "Smart gridshell" represents the desire to not give life to a punctual intervention but to a replicable approach in each section of the Rome-Salerno highway, that can combine aesthetics, ethics and functionality.
A "land art" operation in which the gridshell integrates itself sinuously and organically into the surrounding space.
In the grid, portions of green are alternated with colored solar panels with a reduced visual impact , capable of receiving infrared rays and also take a variety of colors.
So the solar panels integrated with a micro and macro wind power system supplies power to the entire area of intervention, in perfect harmony with the architectural design and the landscape in the background.
"Smart gridshell" intersects and bounds a multifunctional space spanning the boulevard, a space where it's possible to access not only from the highway, but also from the surrounding towns with pedestrian entrances, to be a focal point for a relationship place.