Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 10 of 70
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ferdinando mazza (italy), giuseppe francone (italy), luigi simone (italy)
The purpose is to innervate the territory, for its development, using a system of flows in three hierarchical levels: highway, secondary roads, paths/trails. The highway is designed as a diaphragm between the traveler and the territory, thanks to her communicative skin; it reveals and colors the landscape and informs the traveler about the attractions of the place that he runs through images imprinted on itself. From the outside the highway becomes qualifying element of landscape, clean energy production system and filter for purification of air, water and soil. Secondary roads are the link between the motorway and local resources, and widespread element of pollution control, through photocatalytic asphalt. Territorial resources, being the purpose of the project design, also represent the nodes among the secondary roads and the network of paths/trails. Paths differ in features and functions according to the context and they support cultural activities, tourism, sports and recreation.