Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 9 of 70
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teresa la gala (italy), michele giardullo (italy), esmeralda lopez garcia (spain)
Melting Way
The route chosen for the development of Green Boulevard is the Regional Railway line, as regional derives from the word local which is synonym of identity. The railway must be seen as a slow passage, a channel of discovery, that brings us to a better understanding of the territory.
The train rails encode the route Roma-Salerno, with regular rhythmic stops to other train stations, each stop presents different areas that move from a 100% natural landscape to a landscape that is 100% artificial. The relation with the urban centers along the railway can be simplified in three sequences, to each one we will assign a task for the production of energy: natural-natural, natural-artificial, artificial-artificial.
The concept suggests the use of solar and wind power, at the same time or even separately, through 2 technological micro systems which will be able to adapt themselves to the spaces of the railway station. The model scheme is studied for a 5km route, here the route Caserta- Aversa.