ester lepore (italy), rossella lamberti (italy), maria filomena di napoli (italy)
The structure that wraps the highway presents: at the top, a system made of photovoltaic cells, in some points the line of the spiral is interrupted by wind swirls which exploit currents due to the passing of the cars, at the sides of the roadways are provided air filtration systems in coal active to reduce the dispersion of particulate matter. On the asphalt are provided sensors connected to a pressure generator that transforms the weight of vehicle in electric energy. The Bubbles, see like creative element, have inside an installation of geothermal pumps which connected to swirls generate electricity, moreover the top is completely coated from amorphous solar panels. Trunks are been thought to eliminate noise pollution caused from cars. The external facades have vertical gardens to absorb CO2, coverage provides the installation of solar panels. Inside, as well as act like pedestrian crossing, there are spaces for commercial use or exhibition.