Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 35 of 70
page 2 (page 1)
marco poletto (united kingdom), claudia pasquero (united kingdom), andrea bugli (united kingdom), manuele gaioni (united kingdom)
How to cultivate a SUPERgarden
*{As CSD proliferate the substratum acquires value supporting further investments}

CSD *{are photo-bioreactors actualized in modules or pixels of 3x3mt, populating the structural medium of the SUPER-garden; they act as urban oxygenators, filtering all the tiny particles that your car emits, capturing carbon molecules and through the photosynthesis of micro-algal organisms, releasing oxygen}

* {from pollution maps it emerges that nodal interchanges have high concentration of CO and NOx}

* {pollutants are useful to the SUPER-garden as algae feed on COx and they use them to grow}

* {Photo-bioreactors are manufactured with ETFE; each of them is fed by a carbon sequestration pipe hanging from the bottom of the steel space-frame constituting the Substratum; each pixel represents the opportunity for carbon sequestration and the economic value of the photo-bioreactor}

*{this mechanism is an environmental as well as socio-economic connector for carbon trading communities}