Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 34 of 70
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simone gheduzzi (italy)
Our vision is made of natural elements as water and algae. They allow us to plan a green boulevard that satisfy energetic, agricultural and turistic needs through land art architecture. Algaefarmarchitecture is capable of being crossed by fluids, photosynthesis processes and electrical devices to make people even more indipendent. Is also capable of originate and collect biofuel, ethanol, fertilizers, electricity through third generation technology in order to sustain urban life and agricultural practice. We think that the whole project would cost 890 $/ml (linear meters) per 59,16 kilometers as it is the length of the abandoned railway between Sparanise and Gaeta. Algaefarmarchitecture is an investment that will produce economic capitals to be financed by SICI- Sviluppo Imprese Centro Italia, a company that has already realized an algae farm in Lucca, and Enel Italia. Nowadays there are several countries engaged in this green challenge. We think Italy can be one of them.