As a Roman aqueduct, Algaefarmarchitecture collects rain water, river water and urban waste water that, after being filtered and purified by plants and algae, can be reused for agriculture. The abandoned railway infrastructure becomes a bioreactor consisting of sheafs of transparent plastic pipes that move water and algae mixed together. Through the photosynthesis process, the liquid absorbs carbon dioxide coming from the Cassino hydroelectric power plant, produce energy for the artificial lighting of the park and, in the end, reachs the harbor where it can be callected together with the sea algae. As a result of this process we gain large quantities of biofuel to be used both for public transportation and power plants. Finally Algaefarmarchitecture catches the carbon dioxide again and an new photosynthesis process can begin. We can reasonably say that the most important feature of this strategy is to be circular and absolutely green.