Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 35 of 70
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marco poletto (united kingdom), claudia pasquero (united kingdom), andrea bugli (united kingdom), manuele gaioni (united kingdom)
How to cultivate a SUPERgarden
How to cultivate a SUPER-garden

The SUPER-garden is an urban ALGAE farming surface, 500x500mt wide, fitted over each of the nodal interchanges of the RO-SA axis; it is the substratum for a new type of energetic Free-zone, an urban power plant.
The SUPER-garden harvests the potential inherent in traffic infrastructure’s singularities to create a new common [=a tract of land used by a community as a whole] of high symbolic value and devoted to social experimentation as well as carbon sequestration. Its two layers are the SCTP: Special Carbon Trading Platforms and the CSD:Carbon Sequestration Devices.
SCTP*{are digital interfaces for carbon trading through which you learn about algae farming and create local as well as global trading relationships}

*{You are in an energetic Free-zone: since the substratum is financed by the European Union and Societa’ Autostrade, if you invest in a photo-bioreactor infrastructure you will get a free plot where you can grow algae for bio-fuel}