Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 36 of 70
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roberto franceschini (italy)
green zeppelin
Green zeppelin
The goal of the project is to start a natural process of soil reconversion beginning from a minimal unit, in this case a fundamental micro-organism called mycorrhiza. This bacteria cooperating with the Leguminosae plants improves the natural process of nitrogen-fixing, required to biosynthesize basic building blocks of plants. In this way is possible to obtain clean soil, ready to be used in a new sustainable way, restarting the ecological succession.
The first tool is the rain water, recollected from the impermeable infrastructures and used to irrigate the “micorizzae farm”.
A “green zeppelin” will catch and transport a unit of mycorrhiza inoculums, the “pixel soil”, releasing it all around the territory.
Where the micorizzae has the possibility to take root, a new ecological cycle will start. The potential of this process is expecially to reactivate the low kept parts of landscape (tiers paysage).