Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 39 of 70
Green Researchers
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valentina alberti (italy), michele reginaldi (italy), daniela de ioris (italy), marco rinaldi (italy)
Green Researchers
ubiquitous energy
Ubiquitous energy is a collective vision able to extend different territorial potentialities in efficient landscapes, an adaptation method suitable to understand differences as values.
It’s a community mark, territory identity and culture for innovation, a flexible structure including in the process the action strategy.

First technology is nature.
Technologies are changing over time, what we need is a vision for rational use.
The module is shaped as continuative energy: from planting energy crops to compost containers, from photovoltaic cycle bridges to biodiversity corridors, from biogas power plant to bioshops and information totems.
Elements: wood to steel, waste as renewed material.

Environmental: terraces for soil conservation; re-naturalization.
Economic: energy, waste management, landscape and tourism.
Social: historical and cultural community identity discovered by slow journeys in the surrounding areas, forestry as key element for landscape design.