Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 4 of 70
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chiara barbieri (italy), aniello camarca (italy), ornella mazzarella (italy), michele pirozzi (italy), adriano tortora (italy)
New mobility for new structure
Sicignano-Lagonegro, a railway between Cilento National Park, Diano’s Wall and Alburni Mounts (a land rich in history and traditions, natural and touristic resources), is lying neglected since 1987, although never abolished. Since then the villages on the rail (>200.000 people) are linked via an ineffectivebus system.
We propose:
- infrastructural improvement: wireless e-bus on the former track, 16 bus stops among Sicignano and Lagonegro connected also to Salerno and Sapri. A new efficient mobility.(8m€ - Public/Private)
- environmental safeguard: protection of the habitat and its enhancement through the renovation of the rail site, new nature trails (12,5m €-Public); renewable energy through solar, wind, hydroelectric and heat pumps. (1,5m €)
- economic revitalization: the unused stations and the railway area will be renewed for new profitable activities (5mil € -Private) such as PGI market, hostel, food and wine, spa, hotel, museum and culture, camping and outdoor sports.