Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 5 of 70
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germana di gennaro (italy), stefania ragozino (italy), rolando di gregorio (italy), livia falco (italy)
natural born green boulevard
Cancello–Torre Annunziata 1885/2006, 30 km of abandoned railways, 9 stations to convert on the slopes of Vesuvius.Transforming the dead ribbon of the tracks in a green boulevard (equipped and energetically passive), which receives a new way for slow mobility; convert the abandoned stations to accommodate cultural, commercial and social services; putting to systematic use environmental, social and economic resources (Vesuvius with its paths, agricultural areas, existing ecological corridors, local associations).Structuring a combined mechanism(from Caserta’s hinterland to Torre Annunziata seaport) of equipment and systems that ensure the production of clean energy: the boulevard as a producer of clean energy and hot water (through an integrated photovoltaic system); to the sea the offshore wind and desalination plants (to produce thermal energy and irrigation);waste material to complete, as wood chips (residue of grape growing)and waste water,all in a chain of regeneration and reuse