Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 3 of 70
Atelier CMJN
page 2 (page 1)
gaël brulé (france), françois lepeytre (france), ana bras (france), eric de thoisy (france)
Atelier CMJN
We present here a cost benefits analysis. In the graph, the benefits are derived from the energy produced from sun, the wind as well as the biofuels. The costs come from the infrastructure and the maintenance with a complete façade renewal every 20 years.The payback period of Vitaeductus is of 30 years; this seems reasonable since we haven’t taken into account benefits that are hard to quantify although very high.We live in a world where monetary value plays a major role; however, we should not forget that a lot of things are not valued by the current economy and are hidden costs and benefits. We have calculated the economic benefits provided by energy generation, but the main benefits might be the ones that are not quantified:reconciliation with the environment, link to the local industries, local culture, link to history. Surely, Vitaeductus provides valuable elements, but its main focus is broader, its aim is to celebrate humanity and culture, it is a tribute to life and nature.