Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 58 of 70
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daniela buonanno (italy), anna terracciano (italy), pasquale inglese (italy)
Images from the future city
Images from the future.The photo from 2020 of the‘Campania’mall shows the new eco-metropolitan system where biodiversity coexist.Advanced technologies (solar panels,wind turbine)stand next to ancient production systems (agriculture and grazing areas,productive woods).Water,energy,food and social biodiversity are 4 “metropolitan frescoes” which reproduce real visions of the city present and future.The contemporaneous development of these 4 systems performs the idea of a biodiversity metropolis.The main elements of this planned landscape are: urban,grazing and agricultural areas,protected areas for non-domestic species,birds biodiversity oasis,small parcels of urban space for intensive agricultural and poli-functional activities.These places generate new economies: solar panel fair,agro-food chain,groups of land acquisition,seed bank,farmers market 0 Km etc.The project is built with primary materials(water,land),the costs of production are supported by these small microrealities.