Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 57 of 70
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chiara filios (italy), alessandro doniselli (italy)
3d view of the intervention
The project concerns the use of the highways buffer zones as an area useful in order to achieve geothermal energy production. The assumption is to use the heat contained underground to feed buildings heating systems or the production of electric energy. We chose highways buffer zones as area of intervention because it’s an undeveloped area by law: in fact geothermal plant are installed underground and they exploit the whole buffer zone extension. The conservation and restoration of rural areas is the goal of the project. More than 3.200 ha of available land could provide electricity up to 45.000 Mwh/year, heating in the amount of 400 Mwh/ha year and cooling power of 28.000 Mwh/ha: it means Energy for more than 3,000 homes or 500 public buildings each hectare of land used. While the cost of a new geothermal power plant is approximately 30% higher than a comparable natural gas facility, the operating costs are lower by about 60% and allow savings between 50 and 80%.