daniela buonanno (italy), anna terracciano (italy), pasquale inglese (italy)
For an ecodiversity metropolis
The reticular and sprawl form of the contemporary city requires a change in the way we design,which provides more attention to environmental issues.The land use is one of the main environmental problems of our century.Today the highway is a system that separates landscapes and produces fragmented spaces.The construction of new and continuous environmental networks is a solution to this condition and it is a way to recreate old and new ecosystems and natural habitats.The goal is to make the highway the matrix of a new eco-metropolitan condition.Nature becomes the new infrastructure at land’s disposal and the highway turns into an ecological equipped backbone where different habitats coexist in a complex and sustainable system.The highway itself turns into intelligent networks for the distribution of energy which uses software for optimize consumptions,control the wastes and save energy.This network doesn’t only transmit energy but also information data for electronic devices.