Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 23 of 70
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vincenzo sansiviero (italy), vincenza la vedova (italy)
REMORA Systems
This proposal starts from a specific assumption: to improve the efficiency and productivity of any complex territorial system needs, more than implementing the individual elements, to interconnect them with each other. The axis RO-SA is completely placed into the Italian morphological Apennine system in which the main communication networks are developed in parallel to the same, in turn parallel to the coast. The only territorial elements, orthogonal to this system, are the rivers that in their courses regularly intercept all existing communication networks.
The planning idea imagines the possibility to give infrastructures to the rivers, also in reference to the recent chances of obtaining energy from them, in order to connect functionally all the arteries of communication orthogonal to the same.
Create a kind of a green boulevard territorial, which besides reclaiming can produce energy, manage waste and boost development.