Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 24 of 70
99 Mülldepot
page 1 (page 2)
gloria riccarducci (germany), luis alejandre galiano (germany)
99 Mülldepot
I was born in August, it was hot in Rome.
In the house where my parents used to live, between the Dump and the Highway, the air was almost unbreathable.
Daddy used to work for the fruit market. He drove to Rome every day with his van. But the gasoline got expensive, so he had to sell the van and go work in the city. Others had to emigrate. Gianni, master chef of “Er mejo Tiramisu de Roma”, Gianni had to close down too. He went to the North, working for a chocolate factory.

Then came the Slow-Way.

First came the power stations, then the recycling and compost plants. Along with every plant the Way rised, between the old Highway and the smaller cities. Daddy says that one day our Way will merge with the ones in Naples and Salerno, heading straight to Berlin.
The 6 recycling plants - more than 20.000sqm each - and the dump costed 15M€. Funds came from the EU and from private companies all around Europe, but the Way produces enough to turn self-sustainable in 10 years, says Daddy.