Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 67 of 70
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roberto sinibaldi (italy), giulia agnoletto (italy), alessandro limone (italy)
Service areas for the future
This project idea also provides the replacement of the asphalt with a particular type of solar glasses panels suitable to resist at traffic weight. Such a renewable resource would be able to recharge electric cars on the road, developing less than 8 kW of power every 4 sq.m
In particular, near the motorway cafès of Casilina and Teano, the highway will be buried 6 meters to make more accessible the public space through the special facilities of museum and market of local products, opening itself to the surrounding area
Sustainable materials and technologies will be used, so the highway and the two service areas will be able to satisfy not only their energy needs but also would enable the storage and even the resale of the energy surplus
Well then, owing to the growing use of electric cars and car sharing, there will be some charging stations at every motorway cafè and a stock of electric cars will be available at every tollbooth for further movements
Total cost is about €5 billion