GreenOverpass 1
The cover is made of: a bearing structure made of curved section bars IPE 200 FE 510P; perforated curved sheet metal, 8mm; and curved PV panels, 120x80 cm. The PV panels are positioned on the upper part of the cover whereas the vertical green is spread all over the down part. The perforated sheet metal creates an aerated system and allows the solar light passing and a view to the city. The vertical green serves for improved air quality and for acoustic pollution, and may be partially replaced by advertising billboards contributing to the maintenance of the system. This project would allow to create a new urban design element integrated into the environment. And, when used for overpasses within the city, it is like a ‘balcony for sharing’ to the benefit of people living around. Further, this project combines the needs of crossing and connecting with appropriate green separators, particularly beneficial for urban areas with various strong barriers (e.g. railways).