Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 64 of 70
super mario & mushroom
page 2 (page 1)
francesco belligerante (italy), shuping xiang (china)
super mario & mushroom
Straw roll
- Solar film panels -----------> Energy for the highway and community
- Ecological asphalt ---------> Reduce the smog in the air
- Acoustic panels ------------> Capture the noise from the car
- Recycling water -----------> For agriculture use

- New social space (pedestrian/bicycle path, square)
- New agriculture space/community gardens (vertical agriculture)
- New hotels
- New market

- Rome – Salerno by bike
- Hotels and market on the road
- Live the Italian landscape from a unique point of view

- European grant for clean energy
- International hotels company
- New metallic structure 50%
- Solar film panels 15%
- Ecological asphalt 10%
- Acoustic panel 10%
- Accessories 15%
Agriculture and markets self-financed