Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 22 of 70
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daniele blasi (italy), carlo vece (italy)
Intermodal cableway
Passengers coming from the cruising pole could access the cableway directly from a station at the sea level or at an intermediate one serving the railway line: the service will allow them to enjoy landscape from a privileged point of view. The head stations will be equipped with an electric car fleet rechargeable in loco serving a car-sharing programme hosted in a park-and-ride so to reach, getting onto the motorway through a dedicated junction, many of the tourist sites of ‘City Campania’, and will also represent a centre for the distribution of typical products. The stations will be energetically self-sufficient thanks to their photovoltaic roofing of 1000 kWp installed power granting a total production of 1300 MWh/year. The sea-level station will offer a totally clean night illumination generated by special tail rotors activated by tides while the mount-level station could become an experimentation laboratory for the production of wind power through wing tips.