Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 63 of 70
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raffaella gatti (italy), emiliano spaziani (italy)
The device, on the sides of the railway, is constituted by a recyclable metal rib, that is anchored to a structure in eco r.c., V-shaped. The rib’s abstract design hosts the micro-turbines, the photovoltaic panels and the rainwater tanks. As a fold, it extends on the ground hosting slow paths and possible facilities for farming. The foundational principle is the micro-generation of sustainable energies, that are integrated and included in a widespread energy network, low environmental impact, that stresses the quality of landscape and also able to provide for the reduction of gas pollution and of CO2 emissions. More specifically, the micro-turbines capture the wind produced by the high-speed trains, so that a synergy between the trains and the systems for producing electricity is created.The integrated logistical networks of local communities will have the opportunity to purchase green electricity,to reuse rainwater for agriculture and to start a program for the production of biomass