Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 45 of 70
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domenico grampone (italy), roberto zambrano (italy), lucas fabian olivero (argentina), alessandra ranesi (italy), felice bisogno (italy)
Drawing routes...

The main purpose is the requalification of the areas bordering the highway using new technologies.
Starting from the idea of the direct link made by the highway between Roma and Salerno, we want people to slow down realizing a new space available by people to explore the surroundings and discover local products.


-A vehicle recharge station partially powered by green energy, where are placed shops in which people who are waiting for the recharge can buy and taste local products. Measurement: 3000 mq
-A module that could be realized in the already built areas alimented by solar panel in which are provided commercial functions. Measurement: 100 mq