Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 46 of 70
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francesco mammetti (italy), gilles traditi (italy), nicolò merendino (italy)
Project ISIDE 1 is a proposal for a new technological landscape, beside the edges of highways and railways of the system Ro-Sa. Fields and hills of photovoltaic and piezo-electric modules, reshape the boundaries between the infrastructures and the landscape. ISIDE 1 is made by photovoltaic and eolic flowers and trees that bloom and grow to build a new image of clean energ y boulevards . ISIDE 1 considers the historical, artistic, landscape system of the Ro-Sa, empowering the manufacturing district of Campania and Lazio. The project is modular and scalable on the needs of the local communities with the synergy of the government and the industry. The cost of the design and prototyping is estimated in € 300,000.00 and for the production is of € 278,000.00 for a 100 m in length. Iside1 can be financed by the green industries and the amortization of the costs will be in 5-10 years thanks to the standard production of Green Energy from the installation, and also from EU financiaments.