Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 62 of 70
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quim vilar (united kingdom), breogan sanchez (switzerland)
Waste as local energy
This integrated strategy is located in the Caserta area (north of Napoli), however, it is expected that the A1 corridor would be able to accommodate between 5 and 7 similar projects.
The biogas plant uses waste from local and regional sources to produce energy. The process of creating this energy is illustrated through guided tours and a visitor centre.
The access to the site is provided with green shuttle buses from the urban centres and save on CO2 emission thanks to the Park+Ride facility adjacent to the plant.
Local community will be directly benefited by receiving energy from their own waste. The success of a facility like is determined by the extent that local needs are covered. The project fulfils the needs for greater transport connectivity, a higher energy demand in a vibrant and international area such as Campania, an agricultural necessity of fertilisers and a sustainable energy education.