serena savelli (italy), lucio lorenzo pettine (italy), francesco aletta (italy), eduardo bassolino (italy), denise ascione (italy), angelo pizzoleo (italy)
Big problems often need small solutions. We think that it’s not possible to approach a critical infrastructure by means of another overlying structure. We are confident that such a project can be solved from the inside. We thought about an integrated system producing energy without modifying the existing landscape. It is a small wind turbine activated by slight wind and even by local air turbulence generated by the vehicles’ motion. They are placed inside the guardrails and connected to the transformers and then to the electric network where the energy will be firstly delivered to the local inhabitants and the highway functioning system. The other system consists of an Organic Photovoltaic module. It is made by carbon composites and is silicon free. It can be transparent and work in the infrared domain to let the vegetation grow normally. It is efficient even with overcast sky. It is thin, easy to install. It is organic, eco-friendly and biodegradable. And it is amazingly cheap.