Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 20 of 70
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giorgio marchese (italy), andrea ottaviani (italy), arianna nobile (italy), claudia palluzzi (italy), laura crialese (italy), gabriel enrique narino (italy), daniele marcotulli (italy)
Technology and sustainability
It’s an integrated system capable of holding together multiple items and sensible materials that generate energy coming from the sun, the wind and the water. The different technologies find maximum integration in the tubular element that declines as follows:
-cylindrical photovoltaic modules that through the thin film technology capture the solar light onto a 360 degrees photovoltaic surface
-light rotating panels, able of picking up kinetic energy due to the motion of air traffic flows or the wind energy
-tubular sound absorbers or with a micro perforated metal sheet coating and an interior rock wool, or with a plant barrier
-rainwater collection system.
At night the installation reveals a new aspect with the LED in the tubes. Benefits and social-economical consequences there will be through the concepts of the green economy. Through the revitalization of the residual spaces, a system of slow crossing will be created by integrating the existing tissue with a system of green areas.