Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 69 of 70
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nicole de togni (italy)
As skeleton of territorial structure and development, infrastructures should be able to interface - from a social, economic and environmental point of view - with natural and artificial landscapes.
The integration of railways and motorways in a single layout could reduce the fragmentation of farmland and dampen the needs and costs of environmental compensation while favouring interconnections and offering interesting occasion for land art.
In proximity to the largest cities, a project-financed HUB is proposed as core of the new network. Ineffective tangles of junctions wasting land are replaced by a multifunctional structure hosting stations, parking areas, warehouses, logistic services and offices. Each HUB becomes the main transport node of interchange for people and goods. It is designed with the aim of filtering heavy traffic toward the city and allowing a general reconfiguration of the transit network improving urban and extra-urban life quality.