Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 49 of 70
Life Rail
page 2 (page 1)
itsuki yoshimoto (japan), taito ohe (japan)
Life Rail
Life Rail - Mechanics
The Life Rail structure functions as an ecological shelter that provides water and energy. Its main structure is composed of a concrete walls and floor.
The walls reinforce the structure of elevated railway track against earthquakes and employ double-layered frame that stores rainwater inside. The floor is paved with earth, through which rainwater is lead inside the double wall as it is filtered. This earth filtering system supplies people with drinkable water even at the time of water failure.
The surface of track absorbs heat generated from sunlight. The heat is stored for the used of warming air and water inside the shelter.
The bicycle network along railway line would also become a new way of transportation. In Japan, people rely too much on cars and trains, and it causes excessive traffic. “Life Rail” project will give people an ecological alternative.