flaminia bonifaci (italy), francisco javier romero varo (spain), federica colombo (italy), matteo geraldi (italy), antonio galasso (italy)
NA-SA the "green"&"blue" axis
The project includes “green” and “blue” technologies. The “green” technologies are:
wood biomass systems of 200 kw electric and 400 thermal with the capacity to generate energy for approximately 500 apartments, which will guarantee the production of energy for the entire complex and also for the surrounding territory; bio gas systems of 100 kw, which use animal tissue waste from the surrounding agricultural area and the cultivation of topinambur, which grows very well in polluted areas and the cultivation of grove of reeds as a filter for the bio gas system waste (thesethen can also be burned as wood biomass); experimental laboratories connected with the University; sound barrier at approximately 10 meters from the highway, made of eucalyptus trees to reduce the environmental impact of the systems and also for the production of wood. While the “blue” technologies are assured by waterwheels and offshore aeolian system coordinated with hydrogen system.