Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 60 of 70
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flaminia bonifaci (italy), francisco javier romero varo (spain), federica colombo (italy), matteo geraldi (italy), antonio galasso (italy)
NA-SA the "green"&"blue" axis
The project consists in a “green”&“blue” biotechnological axis, which takes advantages of the surrounding “green” resources (woods, agricultural areas, cultivations) and “blue” (coast and sea), for the production of energy, which needs the following functions: research and development (universities and laboratories); transformation (biotechnology farm); commercialization (didactic farms); self-sufficiency (energy production center). Such functions are dislocated on the Naples-Salerno highway. Usually a sign of abandonment the highway area is not considered suitable for daily life; here, integrated with a sustainable development, it becomes a window on the territorial resources and is enhanced from the near Trans European crossing corridors. We estimate the cost per unit of intervention approximately to 3.500.000,00 Euro reached trough a financial mixed system which includes as principal actors: the highway society, the farmers, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic company.