Green Boulevards - International Online Competition
project 13 of 70
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alessandro liuti (italy), alessandro cecchini (italy)
SmartWare: suggestions
We see technical articulation of programmatic proposals:
1) for the new roads we hoping for a piezo-led system: the led will be an interactive and dynamic markings can provide all kinds of information to motorists (weather/traffic/safety), piezoelectric bearings subjected to mechanical stress will produce 200 kWh/km;
2) the elements of land-art consist of wind-stalk: piezoelectric rods 30m tall, which generate power when shaken by the wind and change its color from city to city (providing the traveler with a rapid information regarding its position); this system will create an impressive row of "rushes " elegantly moved by the wind, which are available at great distance and on the plain.
3) The sound-absorbing elements are constituted by photovoltaic led elastic, able to be deformed to assume various configurations, and to provide the new city walks, energetically virtuous useful to the projection of average, happenings and advertising. This element will produce 0,55 KW/m2 for day.